Monday, November 1, 2010

From A Certain Point Of View...

I wanted to start off the blog with a post about something I think we all struggle with, and that's the mindset we have when we begin workouts. Any day that we get to train and work out is a good day. We're all guilty of moaning and complaining before a workout starts and even throughout the whole workout. It should be a joy to come into the gym and get to work out and improve at something that day. The gift of a healthy body is one that we should all treasure. We should take pride in the fact that we're coming in to push ourselves and make ourselves better athletes and healthier, stronger individuals. Enjoy it and be happy that you get to work out and aren't laid up in a bed sick.

Your mindset has a lot to do with how you will react to a workout. My mindset really helped me this past Saturday morning at a rugby training session. It was early on a Saturday morning and was quite windy and cold out. Some of the guys kept saying how cold they were and complaining about how much the wind was blowing. All I focused on was the fact that the sun was out shining and the ground was dry - two things we don't get a lot of during the fall season here in the Midwest. Staying relaxed and just really enjoying getting to be outside and training made the work seem easier, and I felt like it made for a better performance in the conditioning session.

Bottom line: let's all start having a more positive outlook going into workouts and in life as well.

here is a good article I found that should help...